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Perforated Ear Drum and Loss of Hearing: Wilson v. Trinity Health-Michigan, et al.
Sommers Schwartz attorney Kenneth Watkins filed a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of a 49-year-old woman, who suffered serious hearing loss during what should have been a routine medical procedure, and her husband. During a doctor’s visit, the plaintiff was told by a doctor that she had a buildup of wax in both her ears. When a medical assistant attempted to clean out her right ear with a water pic, the plaintiff suffered multiple perforations in her eardrum and damage to her middle ear bones. As a result, she has had to undergo successive corrective surgeries and has only 25 percent of her hearing in her right ear. The plaintiff is seeking damages for her pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost income, and her husband is seeking recovery for loss of consortium. The suit is now pending in Oakland County, Michigan Circuit Court.
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