In March 2014, attorneys Jason J. Thompson and Matthew L. Turner obtained a $360,000 settlement in a collective action involving alleged violations of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. The plaintiffs, employees at the defendant’s call center, were required to log in and out of job-related software applications. This additional time should have been treated as overtime, for which they should have been paid accordingly.

This is one of several successful outcomes that the Sommers Schwartz Wage & Hour Litigation Group has achieved on behalf of hard-working employees whose employers have unlawfully withheld wages and overtime pay. If you suspect that your compensation has been improperly withheld, call us today to discuss your situation and to learn how we can help you.

Jason J. Thompson

Jason Thompson is a nationally board certified trial attorney and co-chairs Sommers Schwartz’s Complex Litigation Department. He has a formidable breadth of litigation experience, including class action and multidistrict litigation (MDL), and practices nationwide in both state and federal courts.