Case Examples

Failure to Pay Overtime Rate: Martinez et al. v. FSA Logistix, Inc.
Sommers Schwartz attorney Jesse Young is litigating a class action on behalf of current and former employees of FSA Logistix, Inc.such as drivers or installers ...
High Praise for Matthew Turner

I was referred to Matt by a lawyer who had asked around for a lawyer who was both really good and kind. The latter being essential for my sanity after the trauma I endured. Matt is 100% both. He was fabulous- not only just knew his stuff but really truly dug into my case, turning over EVERY rock and stone to make a strong argument, making sure we had the best expert witnesses for my case, and even doing a mock trial to be fully ready, etc. He was 110% invested in the case, even though it was far from an assured payout. He also really dug into the medical side of it to understand my condition, which was rare and thus time-intensive for him. Additionally, Matt IS kind. Not to say that all news was good news; the process is tough, and there is no way around that and you might not get 100% of what you want. However, Matt absolutely treated me with kindness; he was direct when needed (which is appreciated), never discounted or minimized when I was emotional and always asked/encouraged I get the mental health support I needed to adjust to my new realities. If you are undertaking the medical malpractice journey, get ready, but you want a partner like Matt.

A Trusted Authority

Our attorneys have been featured on local and national media outlets, including:
