Michigan Human Trafficking Commission Announces Recommendations to Fight Prostitution and Other Crimes
BY: Lisa Esser-Weidenfeller | IN: Personal Injury
In Michigan and around the country, men, women, and children are forced into human and sex trafficking. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery and a large and growing criminal industry worldwide.
On January 22, 2020, the State of Michigan’s Human Trafficking Commission, led by Assistant Attorney General Kelly Carter, announced more than 30 legislative recommendations principally focused on prostitution.

In a report by Michigan Radio, Ms. Carter said the recommendation can be divided into three groups: training improvements, protections for trafficking victims, and redefining prostitution within the criminal justice system. Prostitution is not defined under Michigan law and carries a societal stigma, she said.
Details on the recommendations can be found here. There is no timeline for turning the recommendations into law.
Consult an Attorney Experienced in Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Claims
The sexual abuse attorneys at Sommers Schwartz, P.C., are representing survivors of human and sex trafficking against the hotels and motels where the acts of trafficking occurred. We are committed to obtaining justice for these survivors against corporations that knew or should have known people were being trafficked in their facilities.
If you or someone you love is a survivor of human and sex trafficking, please contact attorney Lisa Esser-Weidenfeller. Consultations are free, and your identity will be protected. Ms. Esser-Weidenfeller has experience representing survivors of sexual abuse, including most recently survivors of physician Larry Nassar.