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What types of problems can occur with premature birth?
Most mothers deliver a baby after about 39 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Premature birth occurs when a baby is born before 37 weeks. About 380,000 babies each year—or just…
My baby was stuck in the birth canal; what problems might it have later?
Childbirth is a physically traumatic experience for both mother and child, even when everything goes as planned. However, complications can arise during the labor and delivery process that put a…
Can you prove a doctor’s negligence caused a birth injury?
Provided mother and baby receive adequate medical care, most births go smoothly. However, if a doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist, or any other healthcare worker makes a mistake during the labor and…
What causes a birth injury?
Birth is inherently risky, and sometimes even the best medical care cannot prevent injury. Factors that tend to increase the likelihood of injury are: Birth complications. Cesarean deliveries. Infections during…
What is a birth injury?
“Birth injury” describes any injury to the mother or child before, during, or after the labor and delivery process. Contrary to popular belief, the United States is the most dangerous…
Who do I contact if my child develops cerebral palsy?
If your child has cerebral palsy, reach out to one of the dedicated birth injury lawyers at Sommers Schwartz. Working with a lawyer is especially important when you’re dealing with…
How can I help a child with cerebral palsy?
Caring for a child with cerebral palsy can be extremely challenging. Parents and caretakers should focus on securing necessary medical treatment, providing appropriate therapeutic services, and creating a supportive environment….
Is cerebral palsy hereditary?
Cerebral palsy can be hereditary, although medical experts believe that familial cerebral palsy is rare. Just 1 percent of all people with cerebral palsy have a sibling who also suffers…
Does cerebral palsy affect speech?
Yes. While every case is different, many with cerebral palsy have difficulty speaking, and some cannot speak at all. Speaking relies on a coordinated effort between the muscles around the…
Can you develop cerebral palsy later in life?
No. Cerebral palsy begins early in life, and there is no such thing as adult-onset cerebral palsy. However, the challenges posed by a diagnosis can become more difficult with age,…
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