Our team is ready to fight for you

Case Examples

Fighting the Opioid Epidemic – Unlawful Practices of Opioid Manufacturers & Distributors
Lisa M. Esser and the Sommers Schwartz Mass Tort Litigation Team are representing counties, cities, and townships across Michigan in federal lawsuits seeking damages from opioid ...
$700,000 Verdict for Injuries Sustained After Surgery Performed at Wrong Spine Level


Sommers Schwartz attorneys Matthew Turner secured a $686,772 neurological malpractice verdict in Oakland County Circuit Court on behalf of a 59-year-old woman who alleged that the defendant neurosurgeon performed surgery on the wrong level of her spine. Medical records indicated that the patient required a C8 nerve root compression to restore use to her right hand and fingers, but the defendant operated at T1-T2 after failing to recognize that the patient had a congenital fusion at C2-C3. Because the nerve root remained compressed for six additional months, the patient suffered permanent loss of use of her dominant right hand, when a properly and timely performed procedure would have most likely restored the use of her hand. At no time prior to trial did the defendants offer any money or consider settlement.

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