CompuCom Technicians Risk Being Cheated Out of Proper Wages
Multiple reports have recently surfaced that CompuCom – the large computer technical services and technical resources company – requires its hourly technicians to work many “off-the-clock” hours each week in violation of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. In particular, people employed as Network Administrators, On-Site Technicians, Help Desk Technicians, and Field Technicians have alleged that the company failed to pay them proper wages and overtime when they were forced to put in extra hours to meet CompuCom’s clients’ demands.
This type of compensation abuse is not new. In 2008, CompuCom Technicians sued the company for similar off-the-clock violations, alleging that CompuCom did not consider many of their duties to be “working time” and refused to pay them for that work.
Attorneys from the law firm of Sommers Schwartz, P.C. are investigating new reports that CompuCom failed to pay its Technicians for off-the-clock work in direct violation of federal and state employment laws. If you worked as a Technician for CompuCom in the U.S. at any time during the past three years, please contact us today – we will help you determine if your rights were violated and if you may be owed unpaid wages.