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Birth Injury: Gorshein v. OhioHealth Corp., et al.
Sommers Schwartz attorney Matthew Turner filed a birth injury lawsuit on behalf of a minor child and her parents for severe injuries the child sustained during birth. Lucy Gorshein was…
Birth Injury – Wrongful Death of an Unborn Baby: Mitchell v. Beaumont OB/GYN Generalists – Royal Oak, et al.
Sommers Schwartz attorney Matthew Turner filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a woman and her unborn child who died at 32 weeks’ gestation. The mother’s pregnancy was complicated by hypertension and abnormal…
Birth Injury – Brachial Plexus Damage During Delivery: Andrews v. Hurley Hospital
Sommers Schwartz attorney Matthew Turner filed a birth injury lawsuit on behalf of a newborn who suffered permanent and severe brachial plexus nerve injuries due to the failure of attending medical personnel to properly…
Birth Injury – Failure to Recognize and Address Pre-Term Labor: Howard v. McLaren-Flint
Sommers Schwartz attorney Richard Groffsky filed a birth injury lawsuit in Genesee County, Michigan Circuit Court on behalf of a newborn who suffered catastrophic and permanent injuries after the attending…
Birth Injury – Failure to Recognize Fetal Distress: Parnell v. Moore, et al.
Sommers Schwartz attorney Richard Groffsky filed a medical negligence action on behalf of Ari Davis, who was the second of twins born to mother Charde Parnell. According to lawsuit, the…
Birth Injury – Failure to Recognize Fetal Distress: Kirkland v. Grady Memorial Hospital
Sommers Schwartz attorney Richard Groffsky filed a medical malpractice action on behalf of Miracle Leavell, who was born at Grady Memorial Hospital, and her mother, Latrassa Kirkland. According to lawsuit,…
Birth Injury: Mismanaged Preeclampsia and Delayed C-Section – Blackaby v. Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center, et al.
Sommers Schwartz attorneys Matt Curtis filed suit alleging the defendants’ failure to properly manage the plaintiff mother’s prenatal care as well as their delay in performing a caesarean delivery, resulting…
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