How Do I Recognize On-The-Job Discrimination?

State and federal laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace, including during the hiring process. It also protects workers regarding termination, discipline, scheduling, compensation, retirement, benefits, and other terms and conditions related to their employment. An employer cannot take action against any employee or potential employee for reasons related to a protected characteristic.

On-the-job discrimination may include overly unfair treatment, bullying, or harassment. However, employment discrimination often occurs more subtly, including being passed over for promotions, paid less or denied bonuses, held to different standards for achievement, attendance, or performance, assigned to less desirable or lucrative schedules or locations, targeted for layoffs, and more.

In some cases, an employer’s policies may effectively discriminate against a protected class of workers, even if they apply to all employees. A requirement that all workers work one Saturday a month, for example, may be an unfair burden for employees whose religion forbids them from working Saturdays, even if the employer intended no discrimination.

If you believe you’ve been the victim of or witnessed discrimination in your workplace, contact a Michigan employment attorney.

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Case Examples

Negligence and Public Nuisance Against Gun Distributor: Banaszak v. Dunham’s Sports
Sommers Schwartz attorneys Matthew Turner and Rob Sickels along with the Brady Center in Washington DC, filed a lawsuit against Dunham's Sports, seeking to hold ...
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