Showing 31-35 of 35.

How Long Does a Class Action Take to Litigate?

Video Transcript: Class Action Case Timeline There are many considerations that one must think about before deciding whether or not to pursue the case as a class action. And we…

Understanding Class Action Lawsuits: Power in Numbers

Video Transcript: Number of People in Class Actions Class actions are so powerful because the numbers get so big, so fast. And what I mean by that are the number…

Understanding Class Action Lawsuits: Specialized Law

Video Transcript: Do Class Actions Require Special Attorneys? Class actions do require specialized attorneys. Class actions typically involve cases where the stakes are very high. And as a result, the…

ABC Good Morning America: Jeremy Hoven Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

Video Transcript: Wrongful Termination of Walgreens “Hero” From ABC News, Live in Time Square, Monday, September 12th, 2011, this is Good Morning America, with Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos. Good…

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