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Case Examples

Cardiologist Malpractice – Unnecessary and Inappropriate Invasive Procedure Leads to Healthy Patient’s Death: Walk v. William Beaumont Hospital
Sommers Schwartz attorney Kenneth Watkins filed a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of the estate of a woman who died from complications arising from a cardiologist negligently performance of ...
Confidential Pre-Suit Settlement for Botched Plastic Surgery

Sommers Schwartz attorneys Judith Susskind and Dina Zalewski secured a confidential, pre-suit settlement on behalf of a 58-year-old woman who was maimed after undergoing plastic surgery. 

The claimant had been a homemaker for more than 31 years. She and her husband raised four children, including a child with special needs. The claimant maintained an extremely high fitness level before undergoing plastic surgery in her vaginal area (labiaplasty). Her life drastically changed post-operatively due to the horrific surgical injuries that left her grossly disfigured and with terrible daily pain.

The claimant asserted the plastic surgeon’s negligence caused her to suffer severe injuries, horrific pain, disfigurement, and restrictions and limitations in her activities. As a result of surgical malpractice, the claimant alleged she 1) no longer enjoys many of her favorite activities, 2) experiences daily shock-like pain, 3) suffers from embarrassment, and 4) can no longer be intimate with her husband. In addition, she can no longer provide all of the necessary care for her special-needs daughter.

The settlement was paid following arbitration proceedings in which the arbitrator delivered a six-figure award.

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